Friday, January 11, 2013


(PS If you are a subscriber I've changed the email address from feedblitz to my own, so you can now comment to me by just pressing reply if you wish!)

 Below is a link to my latest video blog, on Chiron.


Ad Break: I offer webcam astrology readings (£20 per ½ hour). Contact: Dharmaruci71(at) I’ll be travelling in Canada and the USA this year doing readings and informal talks – if you’d like me to drop by, let me know!


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  1. Thanks for these videos! I'm really enjoying them and looking forward to it.

  2. Chiron was crucial for me - as you say, the planet (or asteroid?) sends you messages during your life, and as I had Chiron opp Pluto, these messages were so disturbing (along the lines of "Go back and dig up all that shit you're running away from!") that I spent years running from it, until my Chiron return, when several events happened to force me to take up my shovel and dig, and of course, just like in a Hollywood biopic, it was the cleansing, releasing experience I needed. And as Pluto insists on the truth, the truth and nothing but was what I had to give. Good videos, really enjoying them!

  3. Very interesting, specially for someone like myself with a strong Chiron. Lots of what you say ecos deeply.
    True about healers too. I trust a healer that has scars, it shows he has learned from experience and can relate in a different way to others circumstances. That is the difference between learning a trade (like accounting or plumming), which is knowing a skill and a true healer that goes beyond knowing a skill and moves withing wisdom; a deeper form of linking with what is. Time, experience, reflection, humility and patient are involved in becoming and gaining wisdom. INdeed, there is the need to listen to the bigger planets to achieve understanding and direction.

  4. This is your best one yet! You have really gotten inside of Chiron and that is where the psychological or soul wounds are. Very powerful presentation. Thank you. Keep on going with your videos. You are authentic. By the way, I see your birthday is Feb 12th. Mine is Feb 9th with Cap rising. Happy Birthday, soon...

  5. I do believe you've nailed Chiron . . . I'm another with Chiron conj the Sun. Always felt like I was never quite able to grasp "normal life" like my younger siblings.

    Great job w/the videos! Damn things are harder to do than one may think. :-)

  6. Great to hear and see you, and so much more interesting than "stargazing" (a thing on the TV) like your version of stargazing much more, so much more. Now I will just prove I am not a robot.

  7. I really like your videos and this Chiron one is the best yet. Yeah, I'm one of those with Chiron on the Ascendant and I've never fitted in, although having just had Pluto conjunct my Chiron, I think it's starting to happen. Not so much the fitting in, don't think I'll ever do that but I may be finding something where I'm on my path. Pluto may be small in size but it's colossal in terms of finding one's way, especially as natally I have Pluto in the 8th conjunct Sun and south node.
    By the way, I find the T shirts you wear match your subject - your Uranus video had an Aquarius theme with wavy lines, and your Chiron one (with your Sun conjunct Chiron) had animal written all over it. Is this intentional?

  8. That's funny, no it wasn't intentional :)

  9. So enjoyed this one, DR. Just excellent. I think you've really got it with the idea of chiron being gifted. But you have to figure out what the gift is.

    I think these videos are working for you. Do we get to see one from inside the yurt?

  10. How lovely to hear your voice! This was the first of your vids I've watched and it was terrific. I have Chiron very tightly conjunct my MC, opposing Uranus. This video spoke to me like nothing else! My every attempt at a conventional career has been a horrible, *horrible* disaster. Use the outer planets, hmmm...? I can see this is going to require some thinking...

  11. Hello, thank you for this talk; these insights are really helpful. Chiron is closely conjunct my Sun and Mercury (3rd house), and I can relate to the need to listen to the outer planets, rather than to conventional wisdom, to make my life (or my mind, indeed!) work. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks, Alice.
