Monday, March 04, 2013

A Worthy Opponent

Well I’m back a few days from my first astro-tour of the UK. Many thanks to all who hosted me. Lots of good conversation, new friends and a load of readings which seemed to go very well. I think I broke even as well on diesel! I’m hoping to go round the UK again in early to mid-July in case anyone is interested. And before that, in mid-April, I’m off to Canada and the US for a month: I’m doing readings on Vancouver Island followed by Vancouver, Seattle and Portland. And travelling about and hanging out.

I thought the other day that maybe there would only be one thing worse than astrology not being taken seriously by the academic/scientific establishment, which would be if it were taken seriously! Imagine that. We would have acceptance, but at the cost of regulation, truncation, academic rigor mortis. To practice you would need a certificate that defined how you did astrology. You’d probably need supervision. You couldn’t just try stuff out and be imaginative like you can now. At least, not nearly so easily. You’d probably have to write a paper first.

As it is, we have a worthy opponent in the form of establishment derision. What a gift! It’s not easy, but look how we have to keep making the effort to define what we do, to create a world view that has room for astrology, to see through the easy certainties of fundamentalist science. (NOT all science: if you take quantum reality seriously, eg the observer influencing the outcome, action at a distance via quantum entanglement, events merely having probabilities, then reality opens up considerably.)

So let us celebrate our worthy opponent!

The above idea comes from an Oscar Wilde saying, which is that there is only one thing worse than being talked about by other people, which is not being talked about by other people. A lot of things seem to be a bit like that.
Ad Break: I offer webcam astrology readings (£20 per ½ hour). Contact: Dharmaruci71(at)

And another thing. When I’m doing readings, I’m finding myself being upfront about what I don’t understand. E.g. Neptune transits, because I’m only just emerging from my first serious bout of Neptune transits as an adult, and I don’t yet have perspective on them. Pluto transits, well I would never pretend to understand them or Pluto would hammer me, but I did have Pluto hard-aspecting my Sun and Angles in the 90s, so I feel qualified to talk about what he does. I don’t think, though, that you have to go through the transit to be qualified, you may just be imaginative and a good observer of people.

But I’m finding myself thinking well it’s good to say to the person you’re reading for that you have this or that aspect, but right now I can’t think of anything to say about it. Otherwise you end up like a hospital doctor, having to pretend you know everything. It’s an easy trap to fall into, it can be mistaken for professionalism. But we’re not dealing with a set of accounts or a legal tangle, we are dealing with the soul, where not knowing is of the essence, and the right kind of person will respect you for that, it will give them confidence in you.

And when you say you don’t know, it creates a space into which an idea, an insight, can float, and often it does. The act of saying I don’t know is powerful and spacious.

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1 comment:

  1. "The act of saying I don’t know is powerful and spacious."
    I could not agree more. Often before knowledge we look at people's honesty. Intellectual honesty is a form of wisdom. Accepting what we don't know is a strong message and openess that allows for true light to flow. So, knowning and accepting that fact is one huge step towards wisdom and light. Can't provide much more for anyone.
    Cheers and happy returns,
