Thursday, September 19, 2013

Saturn, Neptune and the Nature of the Cosmos

For us tiny human beings, the Earth element appears solid, massive and at times awesome. But how does it look from the point of view of the universe itself? It appears as a spread of tiny fairy lights, with vast distances between each light. And these lights are fragile. If they become just a bit bigger than tiny, then they burst in a brilliant flash that travels for thousands of years.

Or they implode into nothingness, like the opposite of a bubble popping: they become portals into other universes around which other fairy lights dance.

So unless you are miniscule like we are, then matter appears as a very fragile thing. Matter is made up of mainly empty space anyway, and it doesn’t take much to squash it. And once it starts collapsing, if there is enough of it, it collapses until it is nothing, it occupies no space.

From our point of view, matter appears as Saturn – solid, workable, reality itself, and governed by laws such as gravity. From the cosmic viewpoint, matter appears as Neptune – delicate, ephemeral, the temporary dance of a greater reality, and attracted to itself not by gravity but by love.

Saturn and Neptune have a hard time understanding each other. Working well together, the Imagination (Neptune) can find Form (Saturn), can even earn a living! But Neptune often doesn’t want to know about such ‘mundane’ realities, or sometimes about any reality at all, while Saturn often thinks that only that which is measurable is real. And it is usually Saturn that wins out, seeing Neptune as at best a hobby, and if not, then needing to be confined within a 9 to 5 framework.

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Both are needed. But Neptune is an outer planet and Saturn is not. Saturn is under our conscious control, he gives us the ability to work and to shape our lives. We have no control over Neptune, he embodies the principle of surrender to a divine order, of being a vessel (Saturn) for that greater reality (Neptune). If Saturn decides to be boss, which he easily can, Neptune will still come through, but it will be messy. The aftermath of the Iraq War took place under an opposition from Saturn to Neptune, and it was a mess, a continual massacre and political chaos with no clear way forward. That is what happens when you push through an idea (Saturn) without listening to your intuition and to those who have another viewpoint (Neptune).

As human beings, we have the viewpoints of both Saturn and Neptune. During the day, we are Saturn, bending the material world to our will. At night, we rest, and the faery lights come out, and when we close our eyes, we dream. And we carry those dreams, and the influence of the fairy lights, into our daily life. There is a balance. In this way Saturn and Neptune come together, often without Saturn knowing.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, Saturn tells Neptune "That's a great idea, but it's not practical just now. Save it for later, when you have time to really run into it." Or even "Do you really think that's going to work?"

    You have to know the difference.
