Monday, August 05, 2024


The issue of the day in the UK is immigration, but we are unable to talk about it. It is something that only 'racists' involve themselves with, and we don't want to be called that. But let us try to talk about it with a cool head. That is what astrology should enable us to do.

This issue is only going to get stronger as Neptune approaches the UK Desc in the coming years. The transit will begin in earnest in late 2024, as Neptune goes direct and moves to oppose natal Uranus, which is itself opposite the UK Desc. The Desc is 'others', so describes immigrants well. Anyone getting bothered yet, just by me talking about it? Am I 'othering' them, maybe I should say migrant or refugee? All these ways we have of not talking about it. Another way of not talking about it is to say it is a deflection of economic problems. But no, the astrology is saying it is immigration itself that will only be getting bigger as an issue.

Think about it: the population has grown by 15% since Blair opened the doors back in 2000. Of course such growth over such a short period has consequences.

Remember that the UK is unusually welcoming to immigrants, and has been for a long time. That is why so many want to live here. Remember that as context, before you slip into a lazy denunciation of the 'racists'. Our North Node is in the 7th. Relations with foreign countries and foreigners are a big learning point, and maybe we have already learned more than most, multi-ethnic as we are. We had a Nodal Return back in May. That is why the issue is so big now.

And why is it that we cannot talk about immigration? It's simple. The ruler of the Desc, Mars, is in the 8th, which is the things you don't talk about, the shadow. We are afraid of the anger (Mars) that it brings up, and very quick to condemn it. But these things are always better out in the open. Pluto will square the UK Mars in the next few years, which is one more astrological reason to see immigration coming to the fore.

The bigger context for the UK can be seen through the main parts of the chart: the Sun, Moon and Angles are all between 7 and 19 of the Cardinal signs. So outer planet transits put us through long, grinding changes of national identity. Pluto was aspecting these points when we joined the EU in 1973, and again when we voted to leave in 2016. It was writ, which doesn't make it right or wrong, just Necessary, if you are an astrologer.

We have recently emerged from the recent Pluto transits to the chart, out of Europe (another Desc issue), and not knowing who we are. There is often a long underworld period in these types of change, and that is where we are now, lurching from one unsatisfactory government to another, without clear direction.

That new direction, that new identity will be provided by Neptune, as he begins next year his long series of transits to the UK Sun, Moon and Angles. We have some years of the swamp to go. Neptune will be conjoining the UK Desc and squaring the Sun at the time of the next election in 2029. Watch out for a Redeemer (Neptune) at the time. The most likely candidate currently is Farage, not least because he is willing to talk about immigration. And his Sun is within one minute of the UK Node. I am not saying this to either support or criticise him, I am just pointing it out. Love him or hate him, he will be playing a part in the national renewal.
In Aug 2020, before the last US election, I wrote: I think the probablity is that Biden will win, and after a year or two will have to stand down due to ill health, and Harris will take over.

In March this year I wrote: Joe Biden's mental capacity was questioned in a recent report. This is not a good sign for him, in a year in which Uranus will be opposing both his Sun and Mercury. Expect this issue to develop. With Sun and Mercury hidden in both the 12th and in Scorpio, the issue is probably already a lot worse than we know.

The stories of what it has really been like won't be out for a while yet.
Maybe the phenomenal drive we exhibit to create AI is in proportion to our lack, to the size of the God-shaped hole in the universe. God is dead, so let us build one instead. As Elon Musk says, maybe AI will discover how the universe works, will give us the answers to everything.

This is as Pluto enters Aquarius: the power of the transhuman; as Neptune enters Aries: the new God; and as Uranus enters Gemini: the trickster God of data and algorithms.
AN OFFER YOU CANNOT REFUSE 😎 Buy either of my books on Amazon: The Medicine Wheel and Surfing the Galactic Highways by Barry Goddard, leave a genuine rating, and I will give you a FREE astrology reading. The books are very readable, and I defy you not to be seriously tempted once you have read some of the reviews. I blogged for 15 years before I wrote them, and I think I know in my bones what I write about.Either that, or I do readings by donation Email me at


Any astrologer can see that with all 3 outer planets changing signs over the next 2 years, along with a Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Aries, that also sextiles both Uranus and Pluto, we are at the dawn of a new age. Comparable in magnitude to the early 90s and the end of the Cold War, when there was a triple conjunction of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The nature of that new age, however, is probably impossible to foresee. It was the same situation in the late 80s: astrologers could see something very big coming up, but how many saw the collapse of the current world order?

Maybe this says something about the astrologer's oracular function. The gods want humanity to see the shapes in the mist, and to open ourselves to the new. But if we thought we knew what those shapes portended, we would no longer be open. In these times of big change we sense a greater destiny at work, and listen. Something that a good astrologer is doing all the time, even without the help of the stars.

This next great turning of the Wheel is already happening in your bones. Feel it.


 Astrology is a faith.

Part of the Mars journey for women lies in learning to tell the difference between the appearance of competence in men, and the real thing.

Part of the Venus journey for men lies in learning to tell the difference between a woman who wants you for reasons of status and security, and one who loves you for who are.




'Spiritual bypass' is better described as the sin of pride, in that we have awarded ourselves a spiritual status; and the sin of dishonesty, in that we are not owning the evil in our own hearts.

Good old-fashioned morality has a lot going for it. It doesn't care what happened to you in your childhood, or about diagnosing you with exculpatory psychological syndromes. It says here is what you are doing wrong in the eyes of the Great Spirit (or Gaia in Greek Mythology?) which is also the voice of your conscience: change it, or you will continue to suffer, and to be out of balance with yourself, with the world and with the gods/planets.

I think the most important part of a chart reading is not so much the description of someone's personality, as it is the unearthing of the transformative moral choices open to them. Transits open up these kinds of choices; change does not happen automatically.



I now have 45 10-minute astrology videos up on my youtube channel. I think they are a great free online resource 😎 If you teach astrology, please pass on the link! Or search Barry Goddard astrology on youtube. The channel also has about 40 videos on Chaos Shamanism, which I invented in April. That is why I have been so quiet with this blog. I have also been writing a book on Chaos Shamanism, coming out of the videos. Here is the preface: 


Shamanism is a Spirit, winging its way through humanity, all the way down from pre-history. It is rooted in our belonging to the natural world. It has no founder, no holy book, no teachings that are not dispensable. It is the original spirituality, seen as through a glass darkly by the major religions, but often clearly so by their heretics.

Shamanism is a current of energy, a high voltage cable. The teaching of Shamanism is as much about the transmission of this spirit, this energy, as it is about words. This is the real meaning of lineage – the passing down of that current through the generations.

And it is also playful. People get so serious when it comes to their ‘spirituality’. There is no such thing as ‘spirituality’. There is only life to be lived in a balanced way.

This book is made up largely of unscripted short talks I made for YouTube. This is the most traditional, and I think the best, way to teach. Whoever heard of a medicine person reading from a prepared text? No, the traditional way allows for spontaneity and play, and allows room for the Spirit to speak.

Why ‘Chaos’ Shamanism? All traditions turn into religions, to a greater or lesser degree. It is inevitable, and a necessary launch pad for many of us. We need to know ‘what’s what’, and who the guy with the ‘answers’ is. A good teacher will allow for this, and hand the projection back. But inevitably, it seems, the forms will take over. The Upper, Middle and Lower Worlds become real places, instead of ways of structuring experience. A Sweatlodge has to be built in exactly the right way. Teachers come to believe in their pedestals. And so on.

Chaos Shamanism has arisen as a necessary and ongoing response to Shamanism-as-religion, much as Dzogchen, with its emphasis on direct experience, arose in Tibetan Buddhism. It is Chaos in the deeper, ancient Greek sense of the ground of existence. It is also Chaos in the sense that it cannot be pinned down, being open to all practices and teachings, and allied with none. As such, it is particularly suitable for the age we live in, where by necessity we pick and choose from the available traditions.

Chaos Shamanism is heretical in the best sense. ‘Heretic’ comes from the ancient Greek word hairetikos, meaning 'able to choose'. Chaos Shamanism shows us how to do that with depth and with wisdom.

Creating this book was for me an exploration of what Chaos Shamanism might mean. It seems to be a live idea that keeps unfolding. I hope you enjoy the ride!



  1. There is also the fact that Neptune has been in Pisces, suggesting the idea of unlimited flow with no real borders or structure. And Neptune entering Aries could suggest this then moving into more of a topic of conflict.

  2. Agree with you re Farage, with UK nodal connection is he bound to play some kind of part in shaping it' next phase, like or loathe him.
    Your comments re Biden were prescient. What is next for Trump or Harris? Harris & new VP pick Walz have a cozy natal Jup-Moon conjuction, near exact in late Aries, which will have transiting Pluto approaching a final square on US Election day.
