But we haven’t had one of these showdowns before under a Uranus square Pluto transit. These 2 planets will be within about a degree of an exact square until early August. Moody’s is considering downgrading US government debt from its AAA status on what it calls the low but not insignificant risk that the US government may default on some of its debt obligations. If the US government were to default, it would be under a transit such as this. It would have huge international ramifications.
Uranus-Pluto brings crisis followed by dramatic and far-reaching change. With these 2 planets being currently so close, it is not surprising that the crises are bigger than usual. The European debt crisis has escalated again, with several countries vulnerable to default. And it is no longer just minor economies like Greece and Portugal. Italy is now on the list.
The tightness of Uranus-Pluto suggests to me that the US budget crisis and the European crisis cannot be dealt with in the usual ways: more bail-outs in the case of Europe, and political compromise along with ever higher levels of debt in the case of the US. These crises, because they are happening under this major astrological aspect, can only be solved by deep structural change.
It’s like we’ve been moving towards this for some years now. Astrologers have known that with Pluto moving into Capricorn, to be squared by Uranus a few years later, deep change in the world economy was on the way. The stock market lurched almost to the day as Pluto first moved into Capricorn back in early 2008. Since then we have gone from lurch to lurch, seemingly staring into the economic abyss and pulling back each time with various rescue deals. But the crises keep coming back.
Uranus-Pluto says to me that something at some point is going to give. If it is not this year under the almost exact square, then it will be next year under the exact square. But the present sense of crisis will not ease until early August, when Uranus and Pluto begin to separate.
I said ‘economic abyss’, but that is just how something appears when you are resisting Pluto’s ministrations. Giving in to Pluto is never as bad as you think it is going to be. Pluto resides deep underground, and part of his function is to bring us down to earth. The western world needs to find a new basis for its economy, based on being less affluent than we used to be. Resources will have to be spread more widely to include the BRIC countries, and with their living standards going up, we cannot rely long term on cheap goods based on their cheap labour. Less affluent doesn’t necessarily mean less happy, but we have forgotten that. In some ways a major default might be a good thing, and the sooner the better.
The word crisis comes from the Greek krisis meaning ‘the turning point in a disease’. Astrologically, I’d say that turning point will happen some time in the next year. Pluto’s entry into Capricorn in 2008 was in conjunction with Venus and Jupiter, which is economically favourable. The first exact square from Uranus to Pluto on 24 June next year also has a Venus-Jupiter conjunction. ‘Favourable’ is a relative term which in this case means we have merely had the Great Recession instead of the second Great Depression!
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation is in crisis as well. This is also Uranus-Pluto. It is only one company, but it is the world’s second largest media conglomerate. It is iconic and influential, and the scandal is going to affect standards and practices across the journalistic world. This is what happens when capitalism is not properly regulated and scrutinised: its competitive nature means that there is strong pressure to do whatever it takes to beat your rivals, in this case getting news scoops by hacking dead people’s phones.
It is the same story that we saw with the banking industry: laissez faire under Pluto in Sag leading to crisis and regulation under Pluto in Capricorn.
America’s relations with Pakistan, a crucial ally, have also been in crisis since the raid which killed bin Laden. Again, it is only a difficulty between 2 countries, one of them not very powerful. But America’s continual infringement of Pakistan's sovereignty is pushing this nuclear-armed country more and more into the hands of the Islamists. And that would be very big indeed. Hillary Clinton described this prospect a while back as a ‘mortal threat’ to the international community.
So we are in major crisis season, as one would expect from a tight Uranus-Pluto aspect. Crises are turning points. You can only put off dealing with them for so long. Any that are not dealt with now will surely have to be dealt with in a year’s time, under the exact square.
I don't think its over-use of natural resources per se that is the root of this crisis (although that is also a massive problem, and will undoubtedly bring about its own, probably bigger crises), but rather spending more money than you make. And this has been going on on a widespread level both with individuals and countries, mainly in the west. In theory you could have two countries consuming exactly the same amount of resources, but one getting into debt but the other not.
I agree it's not the root cause of the problem, and we've been living beyond our means; but I think it's part of the solution, a sense that we need to be more economical with our use of resources as they get spread more thinly.
When we speak of a “we lived beyond our level” we can be right if we make a speech about the resources, in this case this is true.
But if we reason about the wealth we must always consider that, even in United States, richness is distributed in this way: Few very few have the greatest amount of it, many have few, and too many have very very few...
This in United Staes as in the whole world...
When we speak about the debt we must always consider a point: Can a State be indebted with itself?! It is a contradiction... If we think that states make the money which is exactly **not** the reality in this world...
What do you think about: http://starlightnews.com/wordpress/2011/07/the-tension-builds-2/
no coincidence that Karzai's bro was assassinated a few days ago... it fits with your Pakistan analysis, and the fact that it has already "passed" in the news cycle confirms the fact!
can you write a blog what your predict about re election next year? Thank you
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