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I enjoy embracing my Arian Uranus which squares Saturn/Asc./Venus/Mars/Pluto/and my Libran Moon.
This is a great time to be alive provided you have shelter and sustenance.
First, I had to survive the family's reaction to the wrong egg laid in the nest. Then learn to relish the off-the-wall, eccentric, peculiar, strange, to celbrate new metaphors and configurations. Wash my face in it, roll - come back muddy, cold and delighted.
The day Gadhafi was killed (pulled from the hole of the cement covered pipe) my left oblique muscle started to spasm! Gadhafi was pulled out unwillingly from that pipe and karma came calling. Somehow (and this is my craziness) I felt connected to this. My pain feels so much like I'd been in that pipe for 42 years and I was able to voluntarily crawl out by myself. I'm 43. I can feel this push&pull Jenni-OMG
Gee, my Pluto is conjunct my ascendant in Leo, opposite my Aquarian sun-Venus-Mercury, and my MC Moon is in Taurus. Does this mean I can stop hiding my light under the bushel basket?
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