Sunday, May 23, 2021


 Venus' connection with romantic love is shown through her rulership of Libra, in which we seek completion through the other. The deeper meaning of Libra is to find the balance within, instead of through another. And I think that reveals the true nature of Venus, who is not flopping about looking for someone to complete her, which is something we idealise in our culture. 


Yes, she is sensual, as her rulership of Taurus reveals. And she loves, but it comes from completeness rather than from neediness. This is the love journey she takes us on, and it is often associated with the 'mid-life crisis'. The Libran may find themselves on their own for the first time, finding an inner balance, and way of relating, that Hollywood does not make films about. Check out your Progressed Venus to see where you are on this journey.

1 comment:

Suze said...

Hi Barry
I am not an astrologer, but interested, why the blog about venus in May? I am libran and seek clarity :-/