never know with Johnson. He defies political gravity. It can be hard to
get a rational discussion about him with people identified with the
Left, to whom he appears as some sort of devil incarnate. Which of
course he isn't. It's just the usual projection. I will try to be
rational about him.

has left him tainted, electorally toxic, just as the Iraq War left
Blair electorally toxic - and hated by many ever since. It is not about
policy, it is about the man, and that is much harder to shake off.
having illegal parties is trivial compared to taking the country to war
on a false basis, even if Blair believed otherwise. Truth and lies are
typical issues for political Geminis, whether Sun (Johnson) or Rising
(Blair). It is Johnson's personal hypocrisy which rightly sticks in the
throat of voters.
Why did he allow the parties to happen? With a Sun-Venus conjunction and Libra Rising, Johnson almost can't help being a people-pleaser and having a keen sense of enjoyment himself. He didn't want to upset his staff by banning the parties. As a Gemini, he thought it is was just a detail that didn't matter. Mutable Gemini often doesn't think things through. Saturn in Pisces is only responsible when collective matters are to the fore, not personal ones. If he survives, maybe he will learn to pay more attention in this way.
is possible that much of the electorate will eventually put the matter
aside, admittedly still with a bad taste in their mouths, in the
interest of the larger issues, which is where Johnson's strengths lie,
albeit still with his Geminian (and Saturn in Pisces) lack of attention
to detail. But that is often the way of it: people who are open and
creative are often not very conscientious. And the opposite too. Look at
Theresa May, so buttoned up and correct, unable to get the NI deal
through Parliament because she lacked imagination and the willingness to
do the necessary fudge to make it happen. And so fiercely critical of
Johnson, in an unseemly way for his immediate predecessor.
autumn, Saturn and Pluto will go Direct, and begin their run-in to
Johnson's second Saturn Return, and Pluto square Moon (all but), the
Moon ruling Johnson's MC, his career point. This is the time of the
Conservative Party conference, and perhaps their last chance to get rid
of him before the next General Election.
certainly won't go of his own accord. The Saturn Return, all of next
year, will be a time of the reaping of consequences. But he will reap
the consequences too of his achievements. Getting Brexit finally done,
which needed to happen, whether or not you agreed with it. Taking the
country through Covid. Injecting a new energy and optimism for the
future around sustainable energy and North-South inequality. Giving the
country a sense of leadership at a time of momentous change.
guess is that many voters will hold their noses and still vote for him,
because his failings have been more personal than governmental.
And who else are they going to vote for? Unless Labour gets rid of
Starmer and puts someone in charge who can lead, like Andy Burnham,
there doesn't seem to be much of a choice. And Johnson has so far always
had luck: next year he will have a Jupiter Return.
in 2024 Johnson will properly begin a long series of major transits,
which I think will keep him in power for many years. Pluto square Moon.
Neptune square Sun, Venus, then North Node and his Angles. I reckon he
will be with us until the early 2030s, when the major transits come to
an end. This is often the pattern with leaders.
Johnson is a serial liar and not to be trusted to tell the truth. The fact that he stood in parliament and lied through his teeth tells you where his priorities lie. I for one would rather have someone that I trust to put the country first, rather than a narcissist whom cares only about himself.
Typing this after the result of the vote of confidence, which some claim to have been decisive. I wonder what is the part that his wife Carrie plays in this, does she urge him to continue?
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