Saturday, September 23, 2023


 CANCER You need to find a way of bringing your soft centre into the world. Cancer is a Cardinal sign. It means you have initiative, you like to take charge, whether at home or at work. Schematically, Cancers need to move from the home to the world, in due course. But you are sensitive, and the world is an unforgiving place. It does not care about you, it cares about results. Elon Musk is a Cancerian. He sometimes takes criticism personally and lashes out.

Cancers have shells to protect their soft centres. When you go into the world, take care of the people around you, and take nothing personally. Cancerians can bear grudges when they feel hard done by. Drop them, it is just the world and how it works. And hang onto your sense of home in yourself, so that you do not create a substitute home – another shell – through your position and achievements: they can be taken away from you. Your home in yourself never can be. Elon has sold all his homes, and wants to create one for humanity on Mars. Maybe that is a sublimation of the Cancerian homing instinct. And maybe it is also a lack of home in himself.
CAPRICORN Your sign is ruled by Saturn, the worldly taskmaster. You measure yourself by your standing in the world. Able and ambitious, you won’t be satisfied short of a having good reputation that has been earned. But Saturn easily values only that which is observable and measurable. You can scoop yourself out, you can become a dry husk, if you only listen to that voice. Cancer calls you. It may take a mid-life crisis, when bestriding the world no longer carries the same meaning for you.

Secretly you hunger for love and connection and belonging. And to comfort those inner voices of failure and self-doubt and rage, of which you are ashamed. It is in listening to those voices that you will find your soul. Identify your real emotional needs and take care of them in a simple way. And learn to see others in that way too. It will make you stronger rather than weaker. And less sensitive about your reputation.

LEO  Hostess: “Are you enjoying yourself, Mr. Wilde?” “Enormously, Madam, there’s nothing else to enjoy.” Only a Leo could have said this, and it turns out that Oscar Wilde had Moon in Leo. Just as Taurus has the infectious gift of enjoying the things in the world, so does Leo have the infectious gift of being at ease with who they are. This is why Leo is the life and soul of the party, because at parties we can drop, for a while, the rules of who we ‘should’ be.

Leo, at its worst, is complacent, self-absorbed and entitled. The opposite sign of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, represents a call to creativity from the outer planets. The Sun, which rules your sign, nourishes the creative seed, once it has been born. But it originates with the ruler of the opposite sign. Creativity is not the re-assembling of pre-existing ingredients, but the bringing into existence of something entirely new and unthought of. It was Uranus that ignited the Big Bang, having had the brilliant idea of creating a universe. When you create, you are also re-creating yourself. These seeds of something new present themselves to you regularly. Can you be bothered to run with them? If you don’t, you will gradually become cranky, and you will smell bad as you begin to rot. Surely, as a proud Leo, you don’t hide behind self-doubt? You are here to bring new life, continuously, for the benefit of humanity. Let your Leo radiance be the light of compassion.
AQUARIUS The Sun is in its fall in Aquarius – the sign opposite to that which it rules – so we Aquarians are often not at ease with who we are. So we try to change the world instead. As Nietzsche warned, "Your neighbour-love is your bad love of yourselves.” Aquarians are, of course, genuinely humanitarian. But always on the edge of groups. Partly because we find it hard to belong, because we are not at ease with ourselves. And also because people like to keep things as they are, whereas Aquarians always seek change and improvement. So people can be ambivalent about us.

Aquarius is a sign of the Mind. We need to come out of the Mind and into the Heart, which is Leo. To do that we need to learn to live with ourselves and listen to ourselves. And admit that we know nothing, because our heart is a mystery. It is the water Aquarius pours, which flows into the unfathomable ocean. Try being normal, do what everyone else does, and you will find you don’t lose your magic, which you fear. Once you are part of society, you will have the right and the wisdom to change it. But not until then. At which point you will be able to bring people together in a good way, which you love doing. Meaning without the usual unspoken rules and beliefs and hierarchies. But on a basis of people being more themselves, rather than an edited version, emanating from your own hard-won ease with who you are.
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VIRGO The tendency to plan and be orderly and rational is both your strength and your downfall. Emotionally you are pulled towards Pisces by your sense of service and compassion. And if you are being of service to people, you have to roll with their chaos and unpredictability if you are to be of real help. You hate that, but being a mutable sign, you are able to do it.

That is your first Pisces lesson in surrender. It needs, however, to move on to a metaphysical level: it is the whole universe you need to surrender to, and that is the work of a lifetime. And then the Pisces wisdom can flow through you: you will not know why you are saying what you are saying half the time, you just know that it needs saying, and it turns out to be exactly what that other person needs to hear.

At mid-life, as a Virgo, you may find yourself weeping uncharacteristically – and perhaps embarrassingly for you – as the Spirit calls you inwards to a much bigger journey, an infinite one.

Virgoan rationality is on the one hand well-grounded in reality, it is practical. But by the same token, it can seem to you to be what is real, because it is so grounded. Get yourself into the natural world – Virgo is, after all, a nature goddess – and talk to the trees, leave offerings for the fairies, and allow yourself to dwell in the simple appreciation of what is around you. Allow your ordered and ordering mind to be in awe of the grander, flowing order of the natural world.

PISCES You can come out with some awesome stuff when you are grounded in yourself, but there’s the rub. As the final sign of the Zodiac, Pisces essentially dwells outside of the illusory self that is needed to negotiate the world, which is ultimately a dream anyway, so why bother engaging with it?

Pisces needs to incarnate, to show up. This so-called dream IS reality, it is not a compromise of any sort to enter it fully. And earthy, ordered yet mutable Virgo provides the perfect vessel to do that. If you do not show up, if you feel outside and above it all, you will find yourself in a swamp where nothing ever happens; you may experience a suicidal lack of meaning.

Pisces suffers – and feels compassion - more than any other sign, your feelings run as wide and deep as existence. It can be more than a human frame can stand, unless you have a self from which to orientate, and to protect you. The crucifix may well speak to you, as a symbol of the spirit incarnating in matter, of just how excruciating that process can be for you.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality, as TS Eliot said, and you may regularly find yourself exposed to the full white light. It is your gift and your undoing.

As with Virgos, the natural world can restore your sanity and balance. You are a shapeshifter, your empathy is such that you can dwell in other beings. For you, rocks are beings: you know this, you commune with them. What better way to incarnate than to become a rock once in a while? Or take exercise. Pay close attention, like a good Virgo, to your physical health. Do ordinary things. You are here to make a contribution from the universe to this collective dream that, for a short while, we partake of. But you will only be able to do so to the degree you have done the work to incarnate. Which, like Virgo in the opposite direction, is a lifetime’s work.

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