In 2024 Neptune will begin a series of 5 hard aspects to the Angles of the EU (1958) chart. At the same time, Pluto will begin a series of 5 squares to the EU (1993) chart. Big change is on the way, though it is likely to be slow, as is the way with large institutions.
The 1958 chart is the for EEC, whose emphasis was economic: this is expressed in 8th House Moon in Taurus: the shared (8th) wealth (Taurus) of its member countries (Moon).
The 1993 chart arose out of the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, which began the process of political union.
An ex-EU President expressed the view some years ago that the EU had lost its mojo. Many of us can probably remember the heady years of Jacques Delors, driving through change, a time of soaring ambition.
The EEC Angles have shown themselves to be sensitive to transits: Pluto’s hard-aspecting of them in 2008 triggered the Greek debt crisis the following year, the EU’s first major crisis. So the coming transit from Neptune could involve crises along the way. They are likely to start from without (Neptune on the Desc). The 2008 Pluto transit was on the IC, and it was very much an internal financial stability crisis.
Germany, the driver of the EU, has been drifting. Its Green energy policy has backfired, due to its naïve reliance on Russian gas, and it has been forced to use coal again. It may be the end of its liberal “let’s be nice to Russia” and “let’s allow in as many refugees as want to come era.” Most significantly, its business base is being undercut by China. Neptune on the Desc of the EEC chart next year could therefore signify the imposition of trade barriers with China, to a level comparable to the US. Germany has Pluto coming up to conjoin its Desc/NNode in the next few years, which has a similar message.
So economic renewal, with a protectionist flavour, is a likely outcome of the Neptune transit to the EEC chart. The transit will conclude in Jan 2026 with a Saturn-Neptune conjunction at 1 Aries, a new vision. There may be drift until then, but this conjunction unmistakeably speaks of action, perhaps driven by events. Much as the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020 caused huge event-driven change, as Covid spread. The outer planets on their own can be an inner alchemy, change-in-waiting, but Saturn forces outcomes.
What of the political union? What stands out for me in this chart in the unaspected Sun in Scorpio in the 4th. The leadership is hidden, it does not communicate itself. This is observable. Which of us has ever known much about the leaders? The goals too are hidden: we all know about ‘ever-closer union’, but what that means has never been made explicit. Perhaps the most visible result of this inability to connect has been Brexit. The EU really needs to learn from that if it wants to thrive as a political union. Why should people want their respective countries to cede more and more power to a body they have little personal connection with, and does not say what its ultimate goals are? It is not how democracy works. And rightly so.
The sign of Scorpio, along with the unaspectedness of the Sun, suggests an arrogant hanging onto power for its own sake.
Pluto first squares the EU MC (the governing bodies), and then moves on to square the EU Sun (the leadership itself and its goals) in about 4 years time. I think the current power base will come apart, driven by the democratic urge of Pluto in Aquarius. Who knows how the EU will reshape itself? Political union has always seemed somewhat improbable to me, given how culturally different the member countries are. Look at the US and its very similar states, which only united by a whisker in 1776. Certainly the free trade area will be maintained, because that is a win for everybody. The forward drive to political union has been gone for some years now. It seems unlikely to be revived. A slow death is in that case perfectly possible, even likely. If you're not going forwards, you are going backwards. Maybe even the Euro, which benefits Germany at the expense of the less prosperous members, will also go.
All of which could well lead to an application from the UK to rejoin 😊 Neptune will start hard-aspecting the UK Sun and Angles in just a few years: I reckon there could be political rumblings around this from 2026 onwards, driven by a Labour government.
Venus has recently entered Virgo. In traditional astrology it's not so good, she is in her fall. But if you know how to work these things - and it can take a bit of self-knowledge to do so - there is bounty to be had. In this case, it is the inner joy to be found when we stop reaching after sense pleasures. It is not a negative, anything but. The joy has the form of a nature goddess. Or, if you like, a renaissance virgin mary. Venus' love here is for both nature and the divine.
Mars is currently transiting Israel's first house: not a judicious time to attack her. Watch Israel go from strength to strength in the coming years as Pluto goes on to oppose natal Moon, Pluto and Saturn. This is not to support or condemn Israel: it is simply an attempt at Realastrology.
Mars will be in Scorpio until late November. It is a time to put yourself in harm's way, or rescue others from harm's way.
Afterwards you will feel thankful through gritted teeth, for you would never have wished all that on yourself. But it's not about what we want. It's about what we have to do. That gives meaning, though not necessarily happiness. It is meaning we get out of bed for.
Honesty and humility are the moral qualities we need when using Air to gain wisdom. Typically, we misuse that Element in order to to rationalise, to justify what it is we want to believe and to do. And we don't even know we're doing it most of the time.
Just seen on msn that the Franco-German group of 12 are proposing 4 tiers of membership, though half of them won't even count as being in the EU. Negotiations on this and a second initiative could begin this December. But doubt we could expect any concrete results for a while.
Really do like the word 'bimble'.
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