Let’s make no mistake about it, bin Laden was not a ‘bad’ man in the sense of being worse than any political leader who is protecting, through military means, the interests of his people. Obama protects the interests of America, and bin Laden protected the interests of the Arab world. It is very hard for many Americans to hear this, because 9/11 was such a wound to the American psyche, and America sees itself as a moral leader on the world stage.
In Buddhism there is a category of being known as gods who are not used to suffering, so when they do suffer, it is terrible for them, reality itself has been upturned. This was what 9/11 was for America.
The death of bin Laden is, for America, primarily revenge for 9/11. It is as simple as that, and many Americans will be rejoicing. Of course Barack Obama, like any US President, will make speeches about the justified death of a bad man. But it is sweet revenge. That is why there are crowds outside the White House chanting “USA! USA!”
The method of bin Laden’s death shows all too clearly why many in the Arab world have a big problem with America. It took place in Pakistan without the knowledge of the Pakistan government, which has cravenly attempted to take some of the credit for the operation.
In cutting off a head of the Hydra in this manner, several more will replace it, as the fires of anti-Americanism are stoked in Pakistan. It is a matter of national dignity, and it is the Islamists who are standing up for it. If America wants an Islamic revolution in nuclear-armed Pakistan, they are doing exactly what they need to achieve it.
You can see it from both sides. It is not a moral issue, though it ought to be. It is a matter of instinct and survival. America is vitally dependent on Middle East oil, so it will do what it has to in order to ensure those oil sources are under its control. This infringes the sovereignty of the Arab world, and it fights back by whatever means, including flying passenger jets into buildings.
It is tempting to take the Arabs’ side because they are the underdogs, but what would they do in the same position? There would be a determined attempt by many to impose Sharia Law (as opposed to Coca-Cola) on the rest of the world.
This war is not Jupiter, Human Law, or righteousness, which is how both sides present it. It is a struggle for survival on both sides, which is Pluto.
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As the operation to kill bin Laden ended, Pluto rose over the Eastern horizon. Jupiter was also Angular, but hidden on the IC next to Mars in Aries. Jupiter, if you like, provides the justification for the war (Mars) at home (IC). But Pluto was the planet being given expression to (ASC). Pluto and the hidden Mars show the secrecy behind the operation.
The operation began at 22.30 and was over at about 23.15, so I estimate bin Laden died at 11pm. Any black ops readers care to comment?
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What about 9/11 and the death of bin Laden? Saturn is the planet that describes the reaping of consequences. The Asc of the 9/11 chart is at 14 Libra, exactly conjunct the US natal Saturn. Since last August, when the hunt for bin Laden began in earnest, Saturn has twice crossed the 9/11 Asc, and has one more crossing to go, in late August. So bin Laden/Al Qaeda have reaped the consequences for 9/11. 9/11 itself was a reaping of consequences for the US (as US Saturn conjunct 9/11 Asc shows), and there will be further consequences to reap for the killing of bin Laden. Given the movements of Saturn (not to speak of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction), there could be more major events before the end of August. From the point of view of Al Qaeda, there has to be major retaliation or it will be seen as a sign of weakness.
With both Progressed Mars and Saturn now moving backwards (for the first time) in the US chart, American power is on the wane, and the death of bin Laden is a temporary success in a war they cannot win.
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We don’t have a birth time for bin Laden, but the date of 10/3/57 seems to have some credibility. And it gives a mutual Mars connection with Barack Obama: Obama’s Mars at 22 Virgo opposes bin Laden’s Sun at 19 Pisces; and bin Laden’s Mars at 25 Taurus is opposite Obama’s MC at 29 Scorpio. With Bush, who failed to capture bin Laden, there was a mutual Uranus connection: Bush’s Uranus squared bin Laden’s Sun, and bin Laden’s Uranus conjoined Bush’s Asc.
Under Bush, bin Laden was an elusive figure and we weren’t even certain he was alive. Bush stoked the fires of collective anger against him, set him up as public enemy No 1. All this is Uranus. Whereas Obama isn’t one for creating scapegoats, and in a straight fight (Mars), he won.
At the same time, the US has Mars at 21 Gemini square to Neptune at 22 Virgo. Gemini is light and dark, and it is in the 7th House of foreign countries, so having a foreign enemy is almost necessary for the US, and there is glamour and delusion (Neptune) and dubious legality (9th House Neptune) around it. Obama’s Mars at 22 Virgo is at home in this national complex. So even though he doesn’t stoke the fires of enmity like Bush did, he buys into the badness of America’s enemies.
One of your best efforts fron my US perspective. Thank you so much.
I enjoyed reading that, but I don't think you can say that Bin Laden was 'a protector of the Arab world' - he was a protector of Wahhabism, which has become a violent, narrow-minded splinter group that is about as representative of world Islam as the Inquisition was of Christianity. Wahhabi activists not only hate the unbelievers in the West, they also hate all Muslims who do not subscribe to their strict beliefs. Though as you suggest, Bin Laden's death may well serve to unite different groups to recommence the fight against the West. Let us hope that Neptune's transit through Pisces can pacify matters a little, and spread a bit of much-needed fraternal love throughout the world.
There is something here about the hidden becoming discovered. Our darkest fear discovered.. I sense a Pluto quality to that too...
This morning when I awoke to the news, I was unsure of the timings of all this. Being in the UK and not very verse with USA time span - but then realised it was on the 1st May (we are already into the 2nd in UK).
My first thoughts were - when in Rome etc.... by that I mean it seemed such a coincidence (from a naive view) that this also happend in the same day Pope John Paul was taken one step further to sainthood. I am not religious, so all abit beynond me. I just thought typical yanks, couldnt be left out of some form of big TV coverage and took the icon stage of someones death one step further.
But unlike John Paul, Bin Laden got there first thanks to the yanks (Martyr as opposed to saint). Again, the yin/yang of the whole affair (light and dark, good and bad) seemed overwhelming in its presence and so coincidental happening on the same day.
Bin Laden had his reasons for his mission, but the euphoria of watching the Americans on TV celebrating his death is childish and sickening - my god man, what the hell has been unleashed. And to keep using the word "justice" is even worse - just "eye for an eye" nothing more.
With Bin Laden's mars exactly conjunct the fixed star Algol, the Medusa's head, he and the organisation he founded Al quaeda really do represent the many headed hydra. So chopping off this one head will probably be meaningless in the long run.
You're being buzzed in the comments, DR. In case you want to respond. :)
I'd have to agree with gawd almighty. To say that he is a "protector of the Arab world" or that he isn't any worse than any other politician doesn't make him any less bad. That's why Al Qaeda was silent during the Jasmine revolution in Egypt, because it's not about what that stood for, but religious extremism. I had this deep discussion with many friends of mine today. It is a very sensitive subject that has many sides to it. I personally think that American society is too into violence in general. I don't understand what is fun about boxing, or violence in video games. I feel like you'd have to be making the argument from that perspective in order to strengthen the point that the "celebrating" was childish and sickening. It's all sickening. War, needless death, oil greed, terrorism, etc. The hydra may grow a head back, but it was defeated in the myth. The actions of some childish americans can never justify non-action toward Al Qaeda.
As an American who first took the news on the radio with some cynicism (why did it take our govt so long to find him, if that was there goal?!? Er, was it? In Iraq? Where thousands were killed?), I warmed a bit to the newscasts. I adore your site, think it's very smart, and don't disagree with your perceptions of the US, though I do have to interject a US perspective about the cheering in the streets last night-- I think many felt how misguided this whole war is/was (if Bush's cronies were so keen, why couldn't they find Bin Laden? Perhaps it was just the oil they were after, with their false reports of yellowcake in Africa to get the UN involved, etc). And so finding Bin Laden could hopefully represent a turning point in this (class) war (as we're not exactly having the draft over here, are we?). Perhaps the troops can come home??! The whole thing has been such a mess (never mind what will finally bankrupt us, along with our health care system), that news commentators were also saying how this might represent the beginning of the end. FINALLY. It's been the war that the news has just forgotten to report after too many years and billions spent, with endless suffering of our troops and especially, Middle Eastern civilians. That's why folks were cheering on both sides of the aisle. Never mind the NYT which reported today how ironic it was that while Bin Laden was hiding and becoming more and more a fringe figure, that the Middle East has already undergone dramatic change without him, and will probably continue to do so.
yes, hopefully the troops can come home and we will live in peace?
I'm sorry, but Osama bin Laden WAS a bad mad-- he killed people, and plotted to kill more. He's not bad cause he plotted to kill Americans, he was bad cause he plotted to kill people. I appreciate your thoughts on the U.S., sort of, but to say he wasn't bad is a bit knee-jerk, reactionarily-p.c., and without thought.
Osama also didn't protect anyone's interests in the Middle East, his main goal was to kill, and enjoin others to as well: like the Baader-Meinhof gang, or Carlos, or the Oklahoma City Bomber, he had a mandate, which was to terrorize. Had he truly been protecting anyone's interests (he wasn't elected, nor did he run for office, and he ended up quite marginalized), he would have negotiated their interests, and stood up for himself and his people. Sorry to call a spade a spade, but terrorism is, er, bad, whether you like the fact that the United States killed him or not. Sure, all the celebrating over here can be interpreted as annoying moral certitude, but it's all a bit more complicated than that, with regards to how many members of the Armed Forces have died (and how bout those Brits?), as well as tens of thousands of needless, innocent bystanders, which is also what the celebrating was about.
Really, just cause you're not in the United States, please don't generalize as you have, it's a bit narrow-minded for someone with such usually thoughtful posts. We're not all bad people, and it's unfair to say Osama's death is just about us being right, or mighty, or without sense of the vagaries his death represents, or some other b.s. It's a bit like saying that all Brits couldn't get enough of Kate and William's wedding.
Note I didn't say bin Laden wasn't bad. 9/11 was a terrible thing to do. And yes, he was a narrow-minded fundamentalist. I just can't see why he is worse than say George W Bush, who was also a narrow-minded fundamentalist who started a war in Iraq, without proper forethought, that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. The main reason for this war was to maintain control of the Middle East.
Bin Laden, massively outnumbered by the US, was fighting back in his own way aginst ongoing US domination.
I'm not saying I agree with war or that bin Laden was a good guy. What I am saying is that we in the West cannot put ourselves in a morally superior position to him. And that is what many do not want to hear!
Some points.
1/. Saudi Arabia (the biggest oil producer) is a staunch American ally that encouraged the American attacks on Iraq.
2/. The arab hostility towards the USA has more to do with unwavering American support for Israel, than anything else (including the oil price).
3/. It was Maggie Thatcher who was really responsible for the unfolding of this current 'death cycle'.A ruthless, aggressive and pitiless woman, she goaded the wimpish George Bush I into attacking Iraq back in 1991 ('look George, don't wobble'), repeating a pattern she showed against Galtieri, Scargill etc.
The Saudi GOVERNMENT is an ally of the US. Bin Laden was enraged that there were 300,000 US troops on Saudi soil in the run-up to the first Gulf War.
It was wrong to start these wars! George W. was sooo wrong in many ways! But Osama was a menace to society! I'm glad President Obama did what should have been done in the first place. Crimes against humanity should not be tolerated in any form! Jenni-OMG
Dharmaruci I really enjoy your blog and you are a gifted astrologer but you've got some funny ideas - including your post from a few weeks ago where you suggested teaching Creationism in schools beside the 'scientific construct' of evolution (you have at least one thing in common with George W. Bush!) I too agree with gawd almighty - Osama bin Laden was not protecting the Arab community with his form of Wahhabism. Lets not forget that his financial support of the Taliban aided in the destruction, among other atrocities, of ancient Buddhist statues in Afghanistan.
Also, the people celebrating the killing of Bin Laden were primarily frat boys/college kids who were barely ten years old when Sept 11 happened. I don't think they are representative of the country as a whole.
See my 1st response above.
Also, evolution and science generally are taught as facts, as absolute truths - this is the way things actually are, all else is myth. What I think is more valuable is that people are open-minded rather than that they espouse a particular point of view.
So I think that in principle if children are taught 2 conflicting points of view, it can in the long-term help them become more open-minded.
JP again. My 'funny ideas': I have Mercury in Aquarius opposite Uranus. It is part of how I work that I take ideas that are seen one way and try to look at them another, like Creationism. I mean it, but it's also an experimental idea to be played with. And I could change my mind the next week!
Mercury particularly kicks in when a viewpoint has become an assumption: Creationism and bin Laden are bad, Obama in 2008 was good.
Dharmaruci - I did read your first response - my main issue with your piece was addressed by gawd almighty. Osama was not the 'protector' of the Arab world.
The theory of evolution is taught in science class at public schools, Biblical creation myth is taught in Church and sunday school. Therefore children can be taught alternative points of view. Intelligent design which was really creationism posing as science is Biblically based - the people who want it taught here in the States have no intention of including any other creation myths other than the Christian one.
I grew up in a very Uranian household hence I appreciate your Uranian mind even if I sometimes disagree. When asked by teachers in the second grade what my religion was I told them Capricorn. My parents weren't telling me that my astrological sign was my religion, but because there was no formal religious practice in the house and a lot of talk about astrology, I figured that must be what 'religion' was!
Great article on the astrological aspects of the Death of Osama Bin Laden. I loved the way you narrated it here. Thanks for the share...!!
The "West" for sure is not the best. They will have to work out their way of getting there, too.
So it looks as if we are still stuck in the middle ages, right?
Just the cars are faster and we find bacteriae more quickly and can eradicate them with penicillin....
Please note:
I am not at all supporting any violence. West or East or North or South.
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